

1. What is the group/s PSA theme about?

     Their topic is political rifts. They want to tell us that the people stop quarreling and live in peace.

2. Comment on the PSA TV ad. Was it appealing to you? In what way? Did it move you?

To be honest, I don't what is the P.E.A.C.E that they show us in the ppt. However, their PSA TV ad. is great. They found many bad news in TV and show every part of their slogans. I can know what are " patience", "endurance" ,"acceptation", "cooperation, and " equality". I will think if I fellow their way, the sociey will be better.

3. Look at their print ads. Are they connected with the group/s PSA TV ad? If so how? If not, how different were they from the PSA TV ad?

Their show the main idea to us! I LIKE IT.

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