
1. What is the main message of Group 9's podcast topic?

    They show many bad things about Taiwan mass's bad.

2. Did their show provide solutions to the problem? What are they?

    No, they just show what's bad things that the mass do.

3. Comment on the group's podcast.

3.1 What can you say about the quality of recording?

3.1.1 Was the voice of the hosts/guests/characters loud and clear?

         Sometimes good, but sometimes bad. Maybe they can record better that the classmates can listen more comfortable.

3.1.2 Was there any background noise that made it difficult to understand what was being said?


3.1.3 Was the pacing (speed) of the delivery (oral delivery made by the hosts/guests/characters) too slow or too fast?

                            It's OK.

3.2 Was there any sound effects or background music used? Was it effective? In what way

               No, I don't hear that.

3.3 Was there anything that you like about their show? What is it and why?

               I think they put some news into their show is good.

               And the classmates will listen them more concentrate on their show.

3.4 Was there anything that you didn't like about their show? What is it and why?

               It's good.

3.5 If Group 9 is given the chance to do another presentation, what would you suggest members of Group 9 to do to make their presentation better?

               They can record and it will be better.


4. What do you think?


4. 1 Search the Internet and look for the meaning of 'yellow journalism'

- What is the definition of 'yellow journalism'?

    Yellow journalism is a type of journalism that downplays legitimate news in favor of eye-catching headlines that sell more newspapers. It may feature exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, sensationalism, or unprofessional practices by news media organizations or journalists.

more information about :


4.2  Would you characterize Taiwan's news reporting as a form of 'yellow journalism'?

- If so, why do you say so? Give an example of a sensationalized news report that has been the focused of attention by the Taiwanese media (it could be an old report that was sensationalized and given so much attention that it did not deserve.)

   Like the mass report 陳水扁. I think it's too much and make me feel bored to watched the news on TV.

- Indicate the references (websites) where you got the information from

  When I watch the news program.




6. Copy this group's podcast's URL to your blog.


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